History of Psychoanalysis & Classics
Archive Org: Collection of texts on psychoanalysis
Archive Org: Collection on counselling (variety of formats)
Albert Ellis
Albert Ellis and Gloria - Counselling (1965) Full Session - Rational Emotive Therapy (YouTube)
21 Ways to Stop Worrying by Dr Albert Ellis, 1991 (YouTube)
Anna Freud
Sigmund Freud
Archive Org: A number of scanned Freud works are available in several languages and in a variety of file formats.
Sigmund Freud - Documentary: The Father of Psychoanalysis (YouTube)
Analysis of the Mind - Freud Documentary (YouTube)
Erich Fromm
Archive Org: A number of Fromm works in several languages and in a variety of formats.
Audiobook 'The Art of Being' (video YouTube)
Audiobook 'The Art of Love' (video YouTube)
Erich Fromm discussing 'To Have or to Be' 1977 (YouTube)
Erich Fromm 'To Have or To Be' (interview, YouTube)
Erich Fromm speaking at UCLA 10/30/1964 on Affluence (YouTube)
Erich Fromm on Love (short YouTube video)
Erich Fromm Interview 1958 (YouTube)
Carl Gustav Jung
The world in his own words (video YouTube)
Archive Org: A number of C.G. Jung works in several languages and in a variety of formats.
Fritz Perls
Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers Lecture on Empathy (YouTube)
Carl Rogers - The Conversation (YouTube)
Carl Rogers on the job of a therapist (YouTube)
Short video Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers and Gloria - Counselling (1965) Full Session (YouTube)
Carl Rogers 'Counselling and Psychotherapy' (1942)
Wilhelm Reich
Archive Org: A number of Reich works in several languages and in a variety of formats.
The Case Wilhelm Reich (Film with Klaus-Maria Brandauer; fist minutes in German)
Contemporary Resources on Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy
Freud Museum London: Video on: What is Psychoanalysis: Part 1: Is It Weird?, Part 2: Sexuality, Part 3: The Oedipus Complex, Part 4: The Ego, the Id and the Superego.
Occasional videos from the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy IAHIP: Talks
Slavoy Žižek on Death drive - Why Todestrieb is a Philosophical Concept (YouTube)
Slavoy Žižek - short video on the Relevance of Psychoanalysis (YouTube)
University of California Television: Victoria Lemle Beckner: 'The Science and Art of Psychotherapy: Insider's Guide' (YouTube)
Addiction Journal by the Society for the Study of Addiction
Dr. Patrick Carnes, Leading Sex Addiction Expert, Video Interview on (Sex) Addiction (YouTube)
Paula Hall (resources on sex addiction)
'The Craving Brain: What The Mind Hungers', Psychiatrist Dr. Nora Volkow, chemist Kim Janda, and neuroscientists Eric Nestler and Amir Levine explain the latest thinking in the science of addiction in the mind
Why do our brains get addicted?, Tedtalks with Psychiatrist Dr. Nora Volkow
Addiction: A Disease of Free Will, YouTube talk with Dr. Nora Volkow
Susie Orbach interviewed by host Kaz Cooke, Orbach will talk about psychotherapy, feminism and our love/hate relationship with food.
Susie Orbach 'Bodies' discusses how for many, the body has become the measure of our worth
Mikulincer, M. & Shaver, P.R. 'An attachment perspective on psychopathology' (2012)
Mikulincer, M. & Shaver. P.R. 'Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change' (2007)
Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P.R. & Pereg, D. 'Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation: The Dynamics, Development, and Cognitive Consequences of Attachment-Related Strategies' (2003)
Diane Poole Heller 'Attachment Style Questionnaire'
Diane Poole Heller & Ruth Buczynski: 'How Attachment Theory Affects the Treatment of Trauma' (2014)
Allan Schore talk on 'Modern Attachment Theory' (YouTube)
Shaver, P.R. & Mikulincer, M. 'Adult Attachment Strategies and the Regulation of Emotion' (book chapter)
Stan Tatkin 'Allergic to Hope: Angry Resistant Attachment and a One-Person Psychology within a Two-Person Psychological System' (2011)
Rosemary Basson 'Women’s Sexual Desire—Disordered or Misunderstood?' (2002)
Rosemary Basson 'Women’s Sexual Response and Dysfunction: A Reappraisal' (2001)
Rosemary Basson 'Human Sex-Response Cycles' (2001)
Dr. John Gottman video on 'Making Relationships Work' (YouTube)
Dr. John Gottman talk on 'Why Marraiges Succeed or Fail' (YouTube)
Dr. John Gottman collection of talks on Couples Therapy (YouTube)
Dr. John Gottman & Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman 'Google Talk' 'Interview on Modern Romance' (YouTube)
Alan S. Gurman (ed.) 'Clinical Handbook of Couple Therapy' (2008)
Susan M. Johnson 'Attachment Theory and Emotionally Focused Therapy for Individuals and Couples: Perfect Partners' (2009)
Sue Johnson 'My, How Couples Therapy has Changed! Attachment, Love and Science' (2008)
Susan M. Johnson 'Broken Bonds: An Emotionally Focused Approach to Infidelity' (2005)
Susan M. Johnson 'Attachment Theory: A Guide for Couple Therapy' (2003)
Bessel van der Kolk
Talk at the Univertsity of Virginia Contemplative Sciences Centre on Trauma, YouTube video
Terror, Trauma, and the Sacred: Psychological, Clinical, and Religious Perspectives Youtube video
Presentation at the 2015 Walden Behavioral Care Conference, October 29, 2015 YouTube
Janine Fisher (collection of published and unpublished articles, pdf files)
'Putting the Pieces Together: 25 Years of Learning Trauma Treatment' (2014)
'The Treatment of Structural Dissociation in Chronically Traumatized Patients' (2014)
'Retraining the Brain: Harnessing Our Neuralplasticity' (2011)
'Brain to Brain: The Therapist as Neurobiological Regulator' (2010)
'Dissociative Phenomena in the Everyday Lives of Trauma Survivors'
'Adapting EMDR Techniques in the Treatment of Dissociative or Dysregulated Clients'
National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Diane Poole Heller & Ruth Buczynski: 'How Attachment Theory Affects the Treatment of Trauma'
Levine, Peter & Ruth Buczynski: 'Healing Trauma through Somatic Experiencing'
Rothschild, Babette & Ruth Buczynski: 'The Body Remembers: Harnessing Somatic Memory in the Treatment of Trauma'
Pat Ogden
Peter Levine
Spirituality, Archetypes, and Trauma, YouTube talk 2015 at the Jung Society of Austin
Shame, Youtube Interview by Caryn Scotto D'Luzia
Stephen Porges
Human Nature and Early Experience Youtube talk
Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute (articles B. van der Kolk)
Trauma Resolution Checklist (Dr. Laurence Heller)
Transition - Change
Engle, David & Arkowitz, Hal 'Ambivalence in Psychotherapy: Facilitating Readiness to Change'
Ryan, Richard M., Lynch, Martin F., Vansteenkiste, Maarten & Deci, Edward L., 'Motivation and Autonomy in Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Behavior Change: A Look at Theory and Practice' (2011)
Well-being - Happiness
Dan Gilbert, 'The Science of Happiness: What Your Mother Didn't Tell You', YouTube
Fava, G. A. & C. Ruini 2003, 'Development and Characteristics of a Well-being Enhancing Psychotherapeutic Strategy: Well-being Therapy', Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 34, pp. 45-63.
Martin Seligman 'Flourishing - a new understanding of wellbeing' at Happiness & Its Causes 2012, Youtube video
Kashdan, Todd B. & Ciarrochi, Joseph (eds) 'Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Positive Psychology: The Seven Foundations of Well-being'
Mark Oakley and Susie Orbach speak at St Paul's Cathedral (2010), YouTube: 'Happiness'
Richard Davidson, 'Well being is a Skill' YouTube video
Richard Davidson: 'The Four Constituents of Well-Being' Filmed at Mindfulness & Well-Being at Work (November 2015) Youtube video