Providing useful links on Psychotherapy and Counselling in Ireland and Beyond for clients, therapists and the wider interested public is an important element in my vision to shed light into the Psychotherapy Labyrinth.
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Click one of the following to get directly to the links you are looking for or just browse:
Counselling and Psychotherapy Links
Counselling & Psychotherapy Codes of Ethics and Practice
Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethics Code
Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist Professional Code
Counselling & Psychotherapy Associations
Association of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Ireland
International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapists (IAHIP)
World Association for Person Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling
Counselling & Psychotherapy
NHS UK: Counselling Introduction (What it is and what to expect)
Mental Health Services - Well-being Information
- - Online Youth Mental Health Service
Relevant Research
Addiction Journal by the Society for the Study of Addiction
Advocacy Groups
Aware - support for people with depression (Ireland)
Irish Advocacy Network (support and information to people with mental health difficultied)
See Change - National Mental Health Stigma Reduction Partnership Ireland
Suicide or Survive Ireland
Drugs & Alcohol
Claudia Black - Addiction in the Family - the Domino effect - Youtube
Everyday Addiction Interventions - Loving and Relentless - Ted Talks
National Family Support Network (Ireland) supporting family members living with substance misuse
The Craving Brain: What The Mind Hungers For : YouTube video on the effect of addiction on the brain
Gamble Aware (Ireland)
Internet addiction
Cash, H. et al. 2012, 'Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice'
The Guardian, Polly Curtis, Blog, 'Can you really be addicted to the internet?'
Sex and Love
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (Ireland)
Sexaholics Anonymous (Ireland)
Mental Health Foundation 'How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety'
Dr Cinzia Pezzolesi On BBC World News Mindfulness and Anxiety
Reports / Studies
HEFCE (Highere Education Funding Council for England) 2015: Understanding provision for students with mental health problems and intensive support needs.
Mindfulness Resources
Relationship Issues
Civil Relationships
Domestic Violence / Abusive Relationship
Respect UK - Help for victims of domestic violence
SAFE Ireland - National Network of Women’s Refuges & Support Services
Women's Aid Ireland - Making Women and Children Safe
Family Issues
Barnardos Teenhelp - Help for young people on a wide range of issues including bullying, death/bereavement, domestic abuse, drugs & alcohol, eating disorders, pregnancy and sexuality, teenage parents, separation, mental health and well-being.
Exchange House Ireland National Travellors Service
- - Online information for young people in Ireland (including information on bullying, sex and relationships.
Relationship Issues
Sexual Orientation / Gender / Gay / Lesbian / Transgender
Belong To - support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people in Ireland
Gay and Lesbian Equality Network Ireland
LGBT Helpline Ireland
Transition & Change
American Psychological Association 'The Road to Resilience'
Help Guide 'Coping With Grief and Loss'
Diana Raab 'How to become more resilient' (Psychology Today)
Jim Taylor 'How Do You Make a Major Life Decision?' (Psychology Today)
World of Psychology 'Are You Ready for Divorce? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself'
Trauma & Crisis
Caranua - Independent Irish State Body for Survivors of Institutional Abuse
Connect: free telephone counselling and support service for any adult who has experienced abuse, trauma or neglect in childhood Ireland
Northern Ireland Help and Support for Victims of Sexual Assault and Rape
Wave Trauma Centre for people affected by the Troubles in Northern Ireland
Children Commissioner UK: 'Protecting Children from Harm' 2015. (executive summary; for full report click here; version for young people here)
Well-being & Happiness
Mental Health Foundation 'Look after your mental health using mindfulness'
NHS UK: 'Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing'
Article: Fava, G. A. & C. Ruini 2003, 'Development and Characteristics of a Well-being Enhancing Psychotherapeutic Strategy: Well-being Therapy', Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 34, pp. 45-63.